
Inspection Services

Weathering, pollution and general wear and tear can compromise the safety of a building’s façade. Material choices and construction techniques also impact the life of a building, encompassing façade components such as windows, doors, balustrades and cladding systems.

Beyond structural integrity and aesthetic appeal, facades are required to comply with occupational safety standards. Regular facade and structural inspections are vital for the early detection of potential risks and can help to prevent costly repairs.

Facade Assessment and Remediation

BCRC’s certified team of consultants use detailed visual inspections, advanced non-destructive testing techniques and facade condition assessments to identify current or potential hidden defects without damaging the building’s structure.

We also collaborate with specialist materials engineers or structural component experts from around the world to ensure building facades are structurally sound, aesthetically appropriate and ongoing durability addressed.

BCRC has the skills, resources and expertise you need for durability planning, repair and extending the life of your asset.

Let us guide your project.